I thought individual supervision was complicated, but team coach supervision? Making sense of complexity
Team coaching is the fastest growing area of coaching but the number of supervisors capable of meeting this demand is insufficient. Quality team coaching educators have strongly recommended and demonstrated the value of supervision and thus team coaches also have a high level of awareness of supervision.
In this session, we are looking forward to exploring with you the opportunity to incorporate team coaching supervision into your practice. Our work over the past two years has been led by leading global authorities on team coaching and on supervision and we are excited to unveil our new framework for Team Coaching Supervision. Our dialogue will look at the differences between coach/mentor supervision and team coaching supervision. We will also present our findings on the additional challenges faced by team coaches and how these inform the role of supervision. Team Coaching Supervision presents unique challenges that require additional development for Coaching Supervisors. Advanced supervision training is helping to increase the capability and capacity of supervisors to become exceptionally effective in working with team coaches.
The team coaching supervision programme presented in this session has been designed and co-created with the support of participants and with a purpose of evaluating and contributing to the ongoing EMCC Global development of Standards for Team Coach Supervisor Education and Training Programmes, and also for Individual Coach Supervisor practice.
Most importantly we also want to hear your thoughts on how you see where the differences may be in supervising team coaches and how this informs the practice of team coach supervisors.
Anticipated learning via dialogue and active participation:
- Participants will be introduced to our learning from our work with Supervisors on our 2021 pilot programme, the GTCI team coaching supervision programmes and our ongoing work of supervision with team coaches and their supervisors
- Participants will engage in meaningful dialogue with the key components of our framework and their application to ‘making sense of complexity'