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The benefits of research engagement to continuing professional development and practice

14/11/23, 14:00




14/11/23 14:00



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Session Materials
About The Session

The world of coaching, mentoring and supervision is changing rapidly. Change is not only something we have to respond to, it is also something we can create change through professional development. This practical interactive session will take participants on a journey to explore the different ways it is possible to engage with research and how research can make an impact on practice.

Research has a life cycle from beginning to middle to end. There are different ways to engage with research from reading about research to participation in research and leadership of research. Many researchers are practitioners first and only later find their way into research. Practitioners and researchers are curiosity driven and all need to base their practice on solid evidence. No one size fits all, so come along to find out how EMCC Global resources can help and explore how you can benefit from research engagement as part of continuing professional development.

Practitioners often are the first to identify needs or trends to better support clients while researchers benefit from producing impactful research that supports such innovation. Meanwhile researchers have created a wealth of relevant research for practitioners to help respond to change: from societal topics, such as equity and inclusion, to neuroscience and psychological models that support behavioural change. Yet, translating outcomes into actionable steps in practice is not always easy. Engaging in dialogue and exchanging ideas, knowledge and practitioner experience are the ingredients for growth and innovation. That is why this continuing dialogue - and your voice in it – matters.

At the end of the session, participants will

• Appreciate the potential of research to enhance practice.
• Be more confident to engage with research in a way that best suits.
• Engage with the research cycle as best suits professional needs.
• Discover opportunities to include research engagement into their CPD portfolios.

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