Vedrana Josipovic
Organisational Development Consultant & Trainer
Benchmarking Professional Standards for Organisational Leadership, Mentoring and Coaching
14/11/23, 02:00
Vedrana Josipovic is an organisational development consultant, an EMCC Global accredited coach at Senior Practitioner level and an EMCC Global accredited Supervisor, currently completing her EIA and ISMCP Assessor’s accreditation.
She volunteers as Vice President of EMCC Croatia, and as a Facilitator in the 5 Day Challenge with EMCC Adria Region and EMCC Asia Pacific Region. Originally from Croatia, since 2019 she has been based in Sydney, Australia.
In her work, as well as in her life, Vedrana's approach is holistic, integrating and balancing the opposites:
In her daily life, Vedrana balances spiritual and material, for the last 20+ years being a successful business owner and yoga & meditation volunteer teacher.
In her organisational development professional life Vedrana combines her vast knowledge of her academic degrees, Master of Psychology, and MBA.
In her working with people, Vedrana combines a process-oriented approach grounded in her Gestalt Psychotherapy training, with the tools and models from her NLP master practitioner training.
Wanting to understand and experience both, the European and the USA approach to coaching, Vedrana has completed an EMCC Global accredited Senior Practitioner Training with the OCM UK, and an ICF-accredited Integral PCC with New Ventures West, USA.
Working with coaching and supervision clients from across the globe (Australia, Asia, Europe, and the USA) enables her to meet and enjoy our shared humanity, that underlies all, beyond different cultural mindsets.