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David Goldsmith
The Goldsmith Group

David is the Founder and Executive Director of 7 Paths Forward (7PF); helping seasoned executive coaches raise their game and prepare for the rapidly evolving leadership
landscape by developing new mindsets and advanced coaching capabilities.

Over three thousand coaches worldwide have benefited from his teaching, coaching and mentorship.

David Goldsmith is a 33-year pioneer and one of the founders of the executive coaching profession. David has a track record of making a massive impact, both with the clients and organizations he works with, and for leaders and coaches in the industry. His mission is to grow the quality of coaching and leadership worldwide.

EMCC Global Accredited Master Pracitioner, ICF Master Coach, supervisor, team coach; Institute of Coaching – Harvard – Fellow; CCE Global Board certified coach

As a thought leader and educator David has:

Incorporated and launched the International Coaching Federation

Co-founded the Foundation of Coaching which is now the Institute of Coaching at Harvard University Medical School

David has regular speaking engagements in the USA and worldwide and is one of the top 5 speakers at

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