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Jennifer Britton
Potentials Realized

Coach, author and thought leader in the area of group and team coaching, Jennifer has also been an advocate for team performance for several decades. Since the early 1990s she’s led teams and programming virtually, first in the international humanitarian sector leading teams for the UN, and later through her company, Potentials Realized, an award-winning coaching skills training company.

Virtual, remote and hybrid work is the focus of her recent TEDx talk, and her latest book series, "Reconnecting Workspaces: Pathways to Thrive in the Virtual, Remote and Hybrid World".

As a long time coach educator, Jennifer is fascinated by the diverse approaches and strengths coaches activate in service to their clients. This led her to develop the Team and Group Coaching Superpower Quiz in 2022. It has now become the basis of an ICF-CCE approved training program - ACTIVATE Your Group and Team Coaching Superpowers.

Jennifer's goal is to have 25,000 coaches take the quiz during the period of 2022-2024. Join us and learn more about your superpowers.

She is the author of seven books including "Reconnecting Workspaces", and the "90-Day Guide for Success", along with "Effective Group Coaching" (Wiley, 2010 – the world’s first book to be published on group coaching), "From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching" (Jossey-Bass, 2013), "Effective Virtual Conversations" (2017), and "PlanDoTrack Workbook and Planner for Virtual and Remote Professionals" (2019).

Jennifer is also the co-host of the Remote Pathways podcast which explores the people, places and processes of remote work.

Potentials Realized - Jennifer's company offers a number of ICF CCE approved programs for coaches in the areas of group and team coaching and virtual conversations, including 60 and 125 hour pathways to certification as team and group coaches. She is also a sought after group and team coaching supervisor.

Learn more about Jennifer’s work at:

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